ISG 2024 – Call for Abstracts. Late breaking abstracts until 15 July 2024

14th World Conference of Gerontechnology 
Sustainability and CrisesChallenges and Innovation for Gerontechnology 
02-04 September 2024. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Call for Abstracts: open

The convergence of multiple crises such as the challenges posed by climate change, conflicts and war in many parts of the world, including the Covid-19 pandemic, is reshaping our daily lives. Addressing these issues demands innovative and interdisciplinary approaches. While gerontechnology and assistive technologies have traditionally focused on solutions for demographic changes, the current complex crises have significant implications for the future of gerontechnological solutions and demand broader perspectives 

Contemporary technological progress, encompassing sensor-based systems, artificial intelligence (AI), mixed reality (MR), and robotic platforms, comes with resource-intensive requirements, relying on rare earths and substantial energy consumption. Climate change further underscores the need for rethinking building designs and materials to ensure comfortable living conditions amid rising temperatures and climate-related disasters. 

Against this backdrop, the conference aims to delve into crucial inquiries. It seeks to understand the implications of these changes for gerontechnology and explore how we can and should design future gerontechnology, buildings, and neighborhoods. The discussions will touch upon the evolving meaning of quality of life for vulnerable and elderly populations during times of crisis and strategies to achieve it.


Please assign your contribution to one of the following categories:

  1. Sustainability and Crisis  
  2. Crises and Preparedness

  3. Application Fields and Innovative Technologies for an Aging Society: i.e. Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Sensors, Augmented and Virtual Reality 

  4. Healthy Inclusive Environments and Healing Architecture 

  5. Dementia and Technology

  6. Ethics & DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

  7. Housing and daily living

  8. Mobility and transport

  9. Health and Self Esteem 

  10. Work, leisure and social participation

  11. Governance, social policy and communication

  12. Others not covered by the listed categories


Please be aware that by clicking on this link you agree about leaving the website of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and visiting the external webpage of the Abstract Submission Platform  



Please read carefully the  instructions regarding the formatting and structure of the abstract you wish to submit 


Please be aware that by clicking on this link you agree about leaving the website of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and visiting the external webpage of the Abstract Submission Platform.

You may also want to watch our tutorial Abstract Submission Guide (duration: 02:30) on the Gerontechnology TV Youtube Channel (regardless of the video indicating the year 2022 in the frames, the manuscript handling platform stays the same for the 14th ISG World Conference taking place in 2024 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany).


There are two types of abstracts:  

• Format No. 1: Oral paper presentation and poster presentation.  

• Format No. 2: Symposia presentation. Only if you are the convener of a symposium and would like to suggest a symposium. The convener is responsible for inviting at least 4 papers for one symposium, at least two of them coming from countries different from the convener. 

Please note that each individual author may submit a maximum of 3 abstracts as a first author. There is no limit to the number of abstracts you can submit as co-authors. One registered author can only present up to two papers. References use APA style 


Abstract Format N. 1 - Abstract for Oral paper and Poster presentation) 

Font Size and Type:  

Authors must prepare their 1-page abstract in MS WORD using Arial font 9.5 points, with references in Arial 8.5 points and APA-Style 

Maximum Number of Characters/Word count: 

The abstract must not exceed one A4-page (approx. 3.200 characters, some 500 words) 

Structure of Abstract: 

  • TITLE OF ABSTRACT (Not to exceed 15 words) 

  • AUTHORS‘ NAMES (initials and family name of each author (e.g. G. Brown, J. Green, P. Black) 

  • PURPOSE (Statement of the purpose/hypotheses of the presentation) 

  • METHOD (Summary of the methodology/approach) 

  • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Summary of findings and conclusions. Please make them explicit. Vague statements such asfindings will be presented and discussedshould be avoided) 

  • KEYWORDS (Up to five may be included) 

  • MAIN AFFILIATION AND COUNTRY OF FIRST AUTHOR (e.g. Graduate School of Science and Technology/Policy. KAIST. Republic of Korea) 

In the bottom right corner of the abstract a table or picture may be placed. Please include title of table/figure. Place caption directly above in the case of a table and directly below in the case of a figure (i.e. graph or other illustration). Use Arial 8.5. Italic. Photos should have a resolution of 300+ dpi. 

Abstract Format N. 2 - Abstract for Symposia 

Conference symposia are aimed at highlighting the best research or practice in a particular field of study. A symposium will last 90 minutes and include three to four speakers and perhaps a discussant who draws out key themes and ideas from the presentations. Symposia may foucs on a single research project or bring together people independently researching the same topic. There is a particular emphasis on international and multidisciplinary perspectives. Convenors should collect individual abstracts and submit them together as one file 

Font Size and Type:  

Authors must prepare their 1-page abstract in MS WORD using Arial font 9.5 points, with references in Arial 8.5 points 

Maximum Number of Characters/Word count: 

The abstract must not exceed one A4-page (approx. 3.200 characters, some 500 words) 

Structure of Abstract: 

  • CONVENER’S NAME (Initials and family name, e.g. M.T. Gray) 

  • TITLE OF SYMPOSIUM (Not to exceed 15 words) 

  • NAME OF EACH PRESENTER (First initial and family name) 

  • COUNTRY OF EACH PRESENTER (in brackets after name) 

  • ISSUE (Statement of the issues to be addressed 

  • CONTENT (Summary of the presentations tob e given) 

  • CONCLUSIONS/ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES (Statement of the conclusions, expected outcome orproductof the session 

  • KEYWORDS (Up to five keywords may be included) 

  • ADDRESS (Main affiliation and country of convener. E.g. Graduate Schhol of Science and Technology, KAIST, Republic of Korea) 


In the bottom right corner of the abstract a table or picture may be placed. Please include title of the table/figure. Place caption directly above in the case of a table and directly below in the case of a figure (i.e. graph or other illustration). Use Arial 8.5. Italic. Photos should have a resolution of 300+ dpi.