There are no mandatory COVID-19 rules in Germany. Although not very likely, this arrangement may change.

As of April 8, 2023, there are no more state-mandated Corona protections.

Transport mask requirement lifted: No more mandatory masks on buses and trains

The nationwide mandatory mask requirement for long-distance public transportation by bus and train has been lifted as of February 2, 2023. Masks are also no longer mandatory for local public transport.

Corona isolation requirement lifted

The isolation requirement has been lifted since November 16, 2022. People who have tested positive are advised to avoid unnecessary contact with other people. As far as possible, please pursue your professional activity from home and refrain from visiting public events and restaurants


Mask requirement lifted in nursing homes, hospitals and doctors' offices

Since April 8, 2023, the FFP2 mask requirement for visitors to medical facilities has been lifted. Theoretically, however, the facilities can make use of their domiciliary rights and continue to require the wearing of a mask.

Travel: Testing and detection requirements, virus variant area

There is currently no obligation to test or provide evidence for all persons entering Germany.